Note: if you are planning to submit a rostering template/spreadsheet to our Rostering Team for import, please visit the linked Help Center page to Upload Your Manual Template!
- Access your Smarty Ants Teacher or Site Coordinator dashboard.
- Select the “Manage Students” tab.
- For Site Coordinators: if you do not see this tab, please first click the Manage School tab to switch over to the Red school level tabs.
- Select the class you want to add the student to from the drop-downs at the top.
- Click the gray “Add Student” button above the list of students.
- Enter the students first name, last name, gender, and student ID number. Please note, the gender determines the gender of the student ant avatar in the program.
- Click the save button to the right to add the student.
- Refresh the page so the student entry is alphabetized, and the gray edit button appears in the right most column.
- Select the gray “Edit” button.
- Switch the student password from off to on and enter the student ID number in the text box. You can enter a different password, but no two students can have the same password.
- Select “Update Student Profile” to save the changes.
Please note:
*SAE Classes can ONLY be added via a rostering method.
If your District/School uses an automated Rostering method, you won’t be able to add or edit some of the fields.