If you know where the student account is located, please follow the steps below:
- Access your Site Coordinator dashboard.
- Click on the red “Manage All Students” Tab.
- Select the class the student is currently in from the drop-downs at the top.
- Scroll to the student who needs to be moved.
- Click the gray edit button in the last column on the chart.
- Scroll to the Move to Class drop-down and choose the new class in the drop-down. District Admins will have a school drop-down for moving students between schools in a district.
- A pop up will appear saying “are you sure you want to move student (student name) to (class name) Class”, select ok to move the student.
If the pop-up does not appear, please check the pop-up blocker settings on your browser. If you do not click ok on the pop-up, the user will not be moved to the new class.
If you don’t know where the student account is, please follow the steps below:
- Access your Site Coordinator dashboard.
- Click on the red “Manage All Students” Tab.
- Select the class the student should be moved to from the drop-downs at the top.
- Click “Add Student” button. Enter the students first name, last name, gender, and student ID number. Please note, the gender determines the gender of the student ant avatar in the program.
- Click the save button to the right to add the student.
- A pop-up will appear saying “Student ID (ID number) with the name (student name) exists in (class name) class at (school name.) You cannot add a student with the same Student ID as an existing user.”
- If the student account is in the same school. Locate the student account and go to the student profile to move the student account to the desire class.