If your school is using Google Classroom for rostering and login this school year, we hope the information below will provide you with everything you need for a smooth start up - and answer any questions you may have along the way!
Teacher Experience
1. Start by setting up your classes in Google Classroom. Google has a number of tutorials and videos if you need help with this. If you are new to Google Classroom, this is a good place to start: https://edu.google.com/teacher-center/products/classroom/?modal_active=none
2. Once your classes are set up in Google Classroom, visit dashboard.smartyants.com and click “Sign in with Google.”
3. After clicking the Sign in with Google button, you will be brought to your Google Sign in page. Enter the same credentials that you use to access Google Classroom
4. Upon first login, you will be asked to allow Smarty Ants access to your Google account. This should only happen once.
5. Upon first login, you will also be asked to identify yourself as a teacher. Please choose “I am an educator.”
6. You are now logged into Smarty Ants. You will be presented with the “Create New Class” wizard on your initial login. Choose the “Import From Google Classroom” option which will list all of your classes that are in your Google Classroom. Select only the classes you would like to be added to Smarty Ants. Google Classroom does not provide us with your class grade and that is required for Smarty Ants. Please use the “Grade” drop-down menu to properly categorize each of your classes. You will also select a program the class will use under the “Program” drop-down menu. Your options are “Smarty Ants”, “Smarty Ants Espanol”, or “Both SA & SAE.”
7. Upon clicking “Import Classes”, your classes will be added, and you will receive a popup confirmation message. Once received, choose “OK” and you can begin using Smarty Ants. You should have your student use the “Sign in with Google” button at smartyants.com and they will be automatically added to your class if they are on your Google Classroom roster.
8. For subsequent logins, if you would like to add additional classes to Smarty Ants from your Google Classroom, please choose “Add Class” from the “Manage Students” tab of your Smarty Ants Teacher Dashboard and follow the above listed step #6 instructions.
Student Experience
Your students will see virtually the same experience.
- Students will click on the Sign in with Google button at smartyants.com.
- Student will enter their Google Classroom credentials into the google login screen.
- Students will be asked to allow Smarty Ants to access their Google Classroom account. Please choose “Allow.”
- Upon first login, Students will also be asked to identify themselves as a student. Please choose “I am a student.”
- Students are then logged into Smarty Ants and must choose between the “English” and “Espanol” programs for their session followed by the “GO!” button.
- Next, choose the “Start Game” button to begin your session.
Frequently Asked Questions & Troubleshooting
I am an Administrator. Can I use Google Classroom to access Smarty Ants?
- Google Classroom is only available for Teachers and Students. Site Coordinators should be created manually, and they should not use the Sign in with Google button.
I added my classes, but do not see all my students. Is something wrong?
- Google Classroom rostering is considered “on-demand” rostering. This means, that students will not appear in your classes in Smarty Ants until they login using the Sign in with Google button.
I removed a student from my Google Classroom, but they are still appearing on my roster. How can I remove them?
- Students are only added or removed from classes when they login. If your student is still enrolled in other classes, they will be removed from your class when they login to their other class. If your student is no longer enrolled in your school or any Smarty Ants classes, you will need to remove them directly in Smarty Ants.