Initial Setup
- Login to Schoology
- Navigate to the course you would like to roster in Achieve3000.
- Click on “Materials” in the Course navigation menu.
- Click on “Add Materials”
- In the drop-down, select “Add File/Link/External Tool.”
- Select External Tool.
- In the drop-down next to Tool Provider, select Achieve3000. This should be available in the drop-down already by your Schoology Admin.
- Type in “Achieve3000 Literacy” for Title.
- Click Submit.
- Go to Course Materials and click on the external tool that was added.
- Achieve3000 opens within the web browser’s iframe.
- If it is your first-time logging into Achieve3000, please select your school, classes, and grade level for each class you would like to roster.
- Click “Continue” to save your changes and access the program.
Adding Additional Classes
- Login to Achieve3000 via Schoology.
- Click on your name in the top right corner.
- Click on “Enrollment Settings”.
- Click on “Add Class from my LMS”.
- Select the class and grade level.
- Click “Continue” to save your changes.
Note: Class rosters in Achieve3000 Literacy will appear empty until students log in via Schoology. Once students log in, they are automatically added to the relevant class rosters within Literacy. The teacher's full roster will be accurately reflected once all students log into Literacy from Schoology.