Note: if you're looking for LevelSet Scores, please visit the linked Help Center article. If your student happens to be multi-enrolled, please use the Data Center & "work completed in any class" filter to review their work!
Student Work Reporting
Achieve3000 saves all student work for teachers to review at their leisure. You can access student work from the Reports section of the Teacher’s Edition.
1. Log in to your Achieve3000 Teacher’s Edition.
2. Open the menu (≡) and select Student Reports from the Data Center section.
3. Click the blue arrow to expand Student Work
4. Select the type of work you wish to review. For example, to review lesson activity scores, select My Lessons and choose "Respond" from the options provided.
5. Once you click on the desired report, the page that appears has a series of drop-down filters to customize the report data. Use the drop-down boxes to customize your report, if desired.
6. Click View Report.
7. A list of Activities appears on the screen. By default, the activities are sorted by the ones that were completed most recently. Click the appropriate header to sort the activities by Username, Activity Title, or Date completed.
8. Click the title of the Activity to view the details about the student’s completed work.
9. To export the report into an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel at the top of the screen. If you are prompted to open or save, click the desired option.
10. To print the report, click Send to Printer at the top of the screen.
**Typically, the reason you may not be seeing a student's activity in your reports is that the activity was completed under a different class. This happens when students complete work while signed into the wrong class. To view all student work that has been completed outside of your classes, you will have to change the "Which classes?" filter under "Which work should we include?" to show "Work completed in all classes" on the report filter page.
Usage Reporting
All Usage and Performance reports are updated nightly. Student usage and activities will show up on these reports the morning after they have been completed.
1. Log in to your Achieve3000 Teacher’s Edition.
2. Open the menu (≡) and select Student Reports from the Data Center section.
3. Click the blue arrow to expand Usage Reports
4. Once you click on the desired report, the page that appears has a series of drop-down filters to customize the report data. Use the drop-down boxes to customize your report, if desired.
5. Click View Report.
6. A list of users appears, grouped by Class for a Teacher account or Grade/Class/Students for a School Admin account.
7. To export the report into an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel at the top of the screen. If you are prompted to open or save, click the desired option.
8. To print the report, click Send to Printer at the top of the screen.
Performance Reporting
1. Log in to your Achieve3000 Teacher’s Edition.
2. Open the menu (≡) and select Student Reports from the Data Center section.
3. Click the blue arrow to expand Performance Reports
4. Once you click on the desired report, the page that appears has a series of drop-down filters to customize the report data. Use the drop-down boxes to customize your report, if desired.
5. Click View Report.
6. To export the report into an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel, at the top of the screen.
7. To print the report, click Send to Printer, at the top of the screen.