Assign via Homepage
Click here for a PDF version of the instructions
1. Click on the Lesson Planning tab at the top of the screen.
2. Choose the view: Week or Month and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
3. Use the space provided to search for the keywords pertaining to the lesson you would like to assign and click Search. The results will appear underneath the search bar.
4. Click Assign at the bottom right corner of the image for the lesson you would like to assign.
5. A pop up will appear that allows you to assign the lesson to a class or to individual students.
6. To assign to a class, click Assign to the class. On the next screen, choose the date(s) you would like the lesson assigned. After choosing the date(s), click Schedule. The screen should refresh, and the lesson should appear on the date(s) that was scheduled.
To assign to individual students, click Assign to individual students. On the next screen, check the box(s) next to the name(s) of the student you would like to assign the lesson to, choose the date(s) and click schedule.
The lessons assigned should appear on the student(s) home screen.
*Teachers: For the lesson assigned, the Assign button will no longer appear. It will show the date(s) the lesson is assigned. You can also view the assigned lessons by clicking By Assigned, also under the Lesson Planning tab.
To assign the lesson via email (lesson will not appear on home screen), click Assign Via Email. Your email box will appear with Write Email selected. Type the student(s) name, choose the date you would like to send the lesson on and write a message. The subject will be prefilled with the title of the lesson. This can be changed.
Once all required fields are completed, click Send.
A pop-up will appear to let you know that your email was sent.
Assign via Search
1. In the space provided at the top of your homepage for Search, type a keyword and press Enter.
2. A page with results will appear according to the keyword used. At the bottom right corner of the image for the lesson, there will be an Assign button. Click Assign.
Refer to Step 5 above to complete the rest of the process.