Instructional scaffolds are features that are included in all of our products that can be turned on and off at the student level. Each product has a default scaffold but you will have the ability to change if needed at the student level. For schools that are using scaffolds, students can receive specific tools and materials that assist them as they move through the 5-Step Literacy Routine. These can include audio support for the Article, numbered steps for the Routine, and Vocabulary and Concept previews. These are linked to the relevant area of the content, mostly on the Lesson page.
- Content starting at 250L, with 8 multiple choice questions
- Vocabulary support on the side of the article page
- "Writing Tips" support in Write Step
These scaffolds are best used for students who are struggling readers and students who may have trouble following steps in a routine. The scaffolds for these students include:
- Content ranging from PRE level (i.e., 150L or lower with 4 multiple choice questions) to Adult Reader level (i.e., 1350L or higher with 8 multiple choice questions)
- Vocabulary preview pop-up screen at start of lesson
- Extra time for activity completion (at 250L and below)
- Initial LevelSet assessment set to two grade levels below actual
- Access to full translation in Spanish if selected
- Access to partial translation in Spanish if selected
- In Spanish: Hero/title & article summary; Ready/Reflect and Reflect Results; Write prompt and Writing Tips; Rubric.
- In English: Read & Respond (Both Lexile and Stretch); Puzzle; Map.
- In Both: Tabs roll from English to Spanish when hovered; Vocab & Concept Preview: Description in English; Vocabulary is in both; Audio Support in Spanish and English. Students can write in either English or Spanish.
These tools support advanced learners with differentiated materials and extension opportunities to broaden content-area concepts and vocabulary beyond the 5-Step Literacy Routine. The scaffolds for these students include:
- Extension activities and related outside links for additional exploration.
- Initial LevelSet assessment set for one grade level above actual.
To edit student scaffolds, follow the directions below:
1. From the home screen, click Class/Student Settings.
2. Click on Student Settings
3. Click the pencil under Edit at the end of the row for the corresponding student.
4. Click the drop down next to Scaffolds and choose the scaffold.
5. When you are done, click Save User Details.
*For more information on scaffolding, click the question mark.