There are a few reasons why students may not be receiving the test when they log in during your class period. First, the test appears as a pop-up window, so pop-up blockers need to be disabled on the computers your students are working on while using the program. You may need to have a school tech disable the pop-up blockers, or create an exception for our website to allow pop-up windows to appear on the computers.
Second, the students need to log into the program during Supervised Student Work Time. If students are logging into the program outside of this window, the test will not appear for them. If your students meet outside of this time frame, you can either adjust your classroom's Supervised Student Work Time - or - the Support Team can change the LevelSet availability. Please contact Support with the timeframe you would like the LevelSet to be available outside of standard weekdays.
Lastly, please make sure that your students are logging into the same accounts that are associated to your classes. You can pull up your class roster by clicking on the Class/Student Settings Tab and then click Student Settings. Click the print icon highlighted in red below to view the usernames & passwords that your students should be accessing the program with*. If students are logging into accounts other than the ones listed on your class list, they may have duplicate accounts listed in the system. If this is the case, please let us know and we can merge the duplicate accounts together.
*Please keep in mind that these credentials can only be used at our main portal ( If your district is using a Single Sign-On, your students' credentials will not be displayed.