LevelSet can be administered up to three times a year to enhance the validity of students’ Lexile® reading scores and allow for greater precision in measuring reading gains and tracking progress toward College and Career Readiness targets and/or state proficiency targets.
Once the date is set, teachers can edit their supervised student work time at the class level to ensure students are being prompted*. Supervised Student Work Time will impact when students can take LevelSet and the timeframe when lessons are counted for monthly auto-adjustments.
To adjust the Supervised Student Work Time (SSWT), you can follow the steps below:
1. Once logged into your teacher's account, click on the Class/Student Settings Tab.
2. Click Class Settings. Click the up and down arrows on your keyboard, under the space provided for start time and end time, to set the supervised student work time for the class.
3. Scroll down to the bottom on the page and click Apply Settings To This Class. You will receive a pop-up that confirms your changes.
To change the supervised student work time for particular students, click Student Settings.
1. Click the pencil at the end of the row under the Edit column in the row that corresponds to the student(s) you want to change the supervised student work time for.
2. A pop-up will appear with student details. Where it says supervised student work time (sswt), click on the number you want to change under the time you want to change and type the number on your keyboard.
3. Scroll down and click Save User Details, A pop-up will appear that will let you know your changes were saved.
*Some schools/districts have the SSWT set at a school/district level and can NOT be changed by teachers.