Once logged into your teacher account, you can begin editing Class and Student Settings by clicking Class/Student Settings.
Teacher view of Student Settings.
- Class Enrollment – Displays the class name currently being viewed
- User Information - Displays the User, User Name, Grade Level, Current Lexile, Scaffolds, Language and Lesson Gating options for students in the class section
- Printer Icon - Click here to view or Print Class List of usernames and passwords
- Edit Pencil – Allows for editing of User Information categories.
5. Edit Selected Users – Check one or more users, or top box to select all, to Edit Student Settings.
- Course Experience Settings - Can also be managed on Class/Student Settings page
- Toolbar Settings – Check any selection to add to student Support. Please see the Toolbar Settings article for more detail or click the ? icon.
- Speech to Text Support -
- Scaffolds – Click the ? icon for more detail.
- Lesson Gating – Gated lessons require students to complete each step of the lesson before proceeding to the next. For example, if a student has not completed the Ready Step of a 5 Step Lesson the text will appear blurry.
Please remember to Apply Settings before closing this window.