A student's Lexile level may only be manually adjusted by a teacher or administrator within 3 weeks of completion of the Pre-test LevelSet Assessment. Please be aware that changing student Lexile Levels will impact growth calculations and future Lexile adjustments. After a student Lexile has been manually adjusted, please allow a minimum of 4 weeks and the completion of 8 activities to pass before a student will be considered for their next automatic Lexile Level adjustment.
- Click on Class/Student Settings
- Click on Student Settings
- Click on the Edit Pencil in the far right column, next to the User Profile you wish to edit. A new window will appear.
- Click on the line next to Lexile and type in the desired Lexile Level.
5. Click Save User Details at the bottom of the window
You may contact Support to manually adjust a student Lexile Level after 3 weeks. Please see the Best Practices When Contacting Customer Support document for more information on what information to prepare for this request.